By the heaven and the nightly star!
And what will make you realize what the nightly star is?
˹It is˺ the star of piercing brightness.
There is no soul without a vigilant angel ˹recording everything˺.
Let people then consider what they were created from!
˹They were˺ created from a spurting fluid,
stemming from between the backbone and the ribcage.
Surely He is fully capable of bringing them back ˹to life˺
on the Day all secrets will be disclosed.
Then one will have neither power nor ˹any˺ helper.
By the sky with its recurring cycles,
and the earth with its sprouting plants!
Surely this ˹Quran˺ is a decisive word,
and is not to be taken lightly.
They are certainly devising ˹evil˺ plans,
but I too am planning.
So bear with the disbelievers ˹O Prophet˺. Let them be for ˹just˺ a little while.